The Essential Summer Reading List


The Girl On The Train // Paula Hawkins

The Girl On The Train is a best-selling psychological thriller and is well worth adding to your summer reading list. Paula Hawkins’ story is full of suspense and mystery, managing to keep the reader hooked from start to finish.

Rachel, the girl on the train, is a struggling alcoholic who creates an unlikely attachment with a couple she has never met. She only glimpses them on her daily commute, however a snap shot is all she needs to imagine the fictional lives of ‘Jess and Jason’. Rachel’s fantasy and reality are forced to collide when she witnesses something very alarming. In a rash attempt to inject herself into the couple’s life she must not only learn the truth but face her own personal demons along the way. The plot twists and unreliable character perspectives mean the reader really is left guessing until the final chapters reveal all – a rare trait in modern fiction.

Hawkins has successfully created a gripping novel that remains unpredictable throughout, taking the reader on an exhilarating thrill ride. The Girl On The Train is simply a must read this summer that you won’t want to miss.

Words by Melissa Churchill



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