EP Review: …Of Nightmares // Angels & Airwaves


…Of Nightmares is the latest EP from Angels & Airwaves, released in conjunction with the bands most recent graphic novel in the Poet Anderson series. This EP continues the foray into a slightly darker, more experimental sound that they flirted with on their first EP, and really dove head first into with their 2014 full-length The Dream Walker.

The first song from the EP is ‘Home’, and for the first minute the song is a bowl of electronic Rice Krispies fizzing and popping in the background, a catchy melody like something from the movie Close Encounters Of The Third Kind appears in the foreground before the boyish voice enters, full of hope and innocence. A guitar that sounds like it was snatched straight from The Cure chimes in for a few notes in between the verses before the song ends to the sound of distorted guitars and an almost spiritual anthemic chanting.

‘Into The Night’ starts off with a thumping synth line. Steady drums, and a gong like guitar sound off and the verses introduce interesting vocal melody, allowing DeLonge’s voice to shine at its best, both defiant and full of angst. The chorus’ big sound will have a familiar feel to those who are familiar with the bands work and you could well imagine it bellowing out from an arena stage. A siren-like melody builds through the stripped back bridge before the song finishes with a crescendo. The beginning to ‘View From Below’ makes me think of a sleepy picturesque water scene, a guitar twinkles like a setting sun shining on the waves, whilst warm atmospheric synths compliment the softer tone taken with the singing. Another big chorus here; all the instruments intensify with other more urgent sounds joining in as well as further anthemic backing vocals that help make up the platform for DeLonge’s staccato. When the bridge comes around we find ourselves back by the water again, though the sun is almost completely set and the tide’s coming in. By the time the last chorus passes, day has turned into night and the stars are out.

‘Parasomnia’ starts, it’s the witching hour and we’re walking along a murky path. Trumpet like synths warble in and out, a ghostly piano chimes somewhere above, and a sorrowful guitar twangs. A techno beat fires up, quickening the pace and conjuring up all manner of illusions that lead us on quicker and quicker, before it suddenly stops, clearing the fog and revealing the way ahead. What’s left is an eerie and almost ironic voice, “What a wonderful place” it declares before disappearing back into the void with a sense of finality.

…Of Nightmares is a curious release from Angels & Airwaves that provides something for both existing fans and those who are new to the band, as they continue to expand beyond some of the standard formulas that have been present through much of the bands career. A lot of new sounds and ideas are on displaying here whilst also keeping a solid grounding to the large arena rock sound that we’re used to via ‘Into The Night’ and elements of ‘View From Below’.

Words by Briar Bradshaw


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