EP Review: In the Mourning // Weekend Recovery


Weekend Recovery are building a growing fanbase up and down the country. They’ve toured constantly, playing a whole range of dates this year in support of their debut album ‘Get What You Came For.’ The album itself had strong influences of both garage rock and Hole, yet still contained some refreshing individuality. They played a release show for this album in Camden as a warm up to Camden Rocks. The large turnout at The Crowndale made me think that this was a band to be reckoned with, and I have steadily followed their progress ever since.

Earlier this year, the band released an EP, ‘In the Mourning’. The four songs on this EP are raw and heavy with a snarling aggression. ‘Bite My Tongue’ contains a seriously catchy chorus and a grunge-influenced guitar riff. It’s clear on this record how much they’ve tapped into their 90s influences here, with the fluid musicianship sounding incredibly tight. The thing that is great about this track is that it sounds as it was recorded with a live show in mind. It gives off a strong adrenaline rush that makes the listener want to dance. The same feeling is brought out on ‘In the Mourning.’ The heavily distorted bassline launches straight into the disco drums, and sonically it is a fun listen. Both the pre-chorus where Lauren Forster sings “I can’t feel my face” and then as the drums crash in she launches into “In the mooouurniing” are both executed to perfection, bringing a smile to the listeners’ face.

‘On My Knees” incorporates a funky bass intro from Josh Fawn, and then morphing into a very catchy chorus because the way Lauren plays with the notes is so satisfying to listen to. The last track, ‘I’m Not That Girl’ is about Lauren not being like other girls as a kid, doing things such as “playing football with the guys.” It’s introspective and reflective; this comes across in the laid back music and the slower chorus is a welcome change of pace to finish the EP.

‘In the Mourning’ taps into Weekend Recovery’s grungier influences, along with a refreshing energy that shows why they are one of the most exciting bands in the UK.

 Words by Ermis Madikopoulos


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