EP Review: What Happened? // FREAK


FREAK. The name says it all. The Chelmsford-based artist, real name Connar Ridd, has recently launched his debut EP What Happened? into the realms of the web. Consisting of 3 riff-heavy tracks accompanied by an almost spoken-word vocal throughout, What Happened? is a collection that is well and truly freaky, in the sense that it is unlike anything other solo artists out there are doing.

The EP begins with title track ‘What Happened?’, a short and punchy song, with a hypnotic and sleazy guitar riff. Ridd adds in electronic drum beats and menacing vocals making for an all-around ferocious opener to the EP, only excelled by the break down with just vocals and bass, transforming the song into one for a crowd at a gig to open up a pit and launch themselves into for the drop.

Second track ‘Someone Help Me’ follows the same route of energetic, repetitive drums, but this time is alongside a funky bass line present throughout. It is joined by a chorus with brass samples, and an inclusion of techno – ‘Someone Help Me’ is an excellent song, and makes for an even better floor-filler, helping FREAK propel his debut EP into one of the most promising releases of 2016 so far.

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The last track on the EP comes in the form of ‘Floating High’, arguably the best track on the EP. There are hip hop hints in the drum beats throughout, added to by Ridd’s rap-like vocals leaving ‘Floating High’ as a vicious closer. It’s the most intense on the EP, and acts almost as a punch in the face with its chopping guitars and intense nature.

If this release is anything to go by, FREAK is a force to be reckoned with, and with a massive support slot for FIDLAR in July at London’s Electric Brixton, it is clear that its only onwards and upwards from here.

You can keep up with FREAK on Twitter and Facebook.

Words by Jasmin Robinson


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