20 Years Strong: Celebrating Pulp’s ‘Different Class’



Despite the fact Pulp’s ‘Different Class’ was released exactly one day before I was even born (heading to number one just a week later), I feel as though I’ve shared a birthday (near enough) with it every year since. 1995 was in fact a very enigmatic year for music with Pulp’s fellow Brit-poppers Oasis and Blur also stirring it up.

If you’ve done the maths you’d have worked out what this is all about….Happy 20th Birthday to Pulp’s ‘Different Class’ LP and that calls for a celebration, a celebration headed by my favourite track from the record, ‘F.E.E.L.I.N.G.C.A.L.L.E.D.L.O.V.E’.

Jarvis Cocker is arguably the quirkiest man in music, or most certainly one of. For that reason I love this track, his frankly weird obsession with random objects around the bedroom when in an extreme emotional state of love is simply fascinating. Verses peaking at a whisper as he tells the story of his love-life. Summed up in the line; “Oh yeah, all the stuff they tell you about in the movies, but this isn’t chocolate boxes and roses – it’s dirtier than that.”

The sheer artistic elegance shown in the hush/bang/hush/bang style sets this track aside from all its rivals. Subtle instrumentation gently covering Jarvis’ narration. Constantly threatening to become a ballad or full on anthem but settling for the beautiful centre-point that has made it a live favourite ever since. Jarvis Cocker. Eccentric. Icon. Different class.

Words by Jake Marley



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