Book By My Bedside: If I Stay // Gayle Forman


Title: If I Stay

Author: Gayle Forman

What I think so far: It is taking me far to long read this book, with it’s length suggesting it should really only take me a few days. Alas, I’m only half way through after two weeks. This isn’t to say the book isn’t good, it just hasn’t got that factor that has me prioritizing this book over other things. Maybe I’ve just finally started putting college work in front of my reading time. Huh.

What I am loving about the book is the constant flashbacks, whilst some may find this a little disorientating, I personally adore flashbacks – it keeps the book interesting. Before the car accident, Mia has the stereotypical elements of what is supposed to be teenage life friendships, school, and classical music. The last one probably doesn’t relate to all of us. Her life changes when her family experience a fatal car accident. The book follows Mia as she watches the events unfold from her ghost-like state as she tries to find a reason to fight for her life.

Would I recommend: For anyone who loves young adult romance / drama, I would definitely recommend this to you. If you’re looking for a book to introduce you to this genre, maybe seek out a novel by Sarah Dessen.

Rating 7/10

Words by Megan Stanley


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