Book By My Bedside: Doctor Sleep // Stephen King


Title: Doctor Sleep
Author: Stephen King

What I Think So Far: Obviously when picking up any novel with King’s name on the cover you’d routinely expect the contents to be a consummately well-written tale, encapsulating right from the opening pages and this one is no different. However, considering by all intents and purposes, it is a sequel to ‘probably the best supernatural novel in a hundred years’; The Shining, I was a tiny bit apprehensive as to whether this extension of Danny Torrance’s story would be a befitting one. I now know, a couple of hundred pages in, that it was rather ridiculous to ever doubt Stephen King’s judgement.

Would I Recommend? Definitely. Of course, I’d also recommend at least watching The Shining beforehand if you haven’t already; otherwise you’re unlikely to fully understand much of the book’s opening.

Rating: 9/10


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