Book By My Bedside: Silence // Becca Fitzpatrick


Title: Silence

Author: Becca Fitzpatrick

What I think so far: As the penultimate instalment in the Hush, Hush series, I had high expectations for Silence, and I’m so glad I wasn’t disappointed. Although the mystery wasn’t as apparent compared to its predecessors, the suspense more than compensated. Patch and Nora must undertake their biggest challenge yet: preventing The Black Hand’s war between Niphilim and fallen angels; however, not everything goes according to plan.

When I first started Silence I was really concerned that Fitzpatrick would take an ‘if it ain’t broke don’t fix it,’ approach to the structure of the book; luckily, my fears were put to rest in the opening chapters, and by half way I was very satisfied with the changes. I’m so glad Fitzpatrick decided to shake things up as it makes for much more interesting reading. Nora has lost her memory and is desperately trying to fill in the gaps – an interesting prospect that quickly became frustrating. Personally I didn’t enjoy the use of dramatic irony as it meant a great deal of repetition, possibly in preparation for Finale. I’m not saying that the use of it was bad, just not to my taste.

Patch really grew on me in this book. I’m so glad that we finally gained an insight into his affectionate side, which was lacking previously. My heart melted as passions intensified, but what I really enjoyed was seeing the respect Patch has developed for Nora. Before, he saw her as fragile, whereas now his character seems to have learned that she should not be underestimated. Nora does need him to lean on but that doesn’t make her fragile, just human.

As always the climax was full of excitement and is definitely one that pulls on the heartstrings. Silence really built up my expectations for Finale; I’m now desperate to continue reading. Only time will tell if Fitzpatrick can deliver on what promises to be an explosive conclusion to a riveting series.

Would I recommend: For current readers of the Hush, Hush series, Silence won’t disappoint and will be a breath of fresh with regards to the narrative structure. If you are interested in becoming immersed in Fitzpatrick’s world of fallen angels, then read Hush, Hush first!

Rating: 7/10

Words by Melissa Churchill


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