Book By My Bedside: Finale // Becca Fitzpatrick


Title: Finale

Author: Becca Fitzpatrick

What do I think so Far? Finale is the final instalment in Becca Fitzpatrick’s Hush Hush Series. Full of the intrigue we have come to expect, Fitzpatrick ties off the loose ends in this suspense filled fantasy series. However, I regret to report that Finale seems to have fallen short of my expectations; it’s not bad, it’s just not what I expected.

Patch and Nora must now work in secret to fulfil Nora’s oath – to both archangels and Nephilim – which, as the book progresses, becomes a seemingly impossible task, although the story starts well the action and drama seem to fizzle out, making reading this book, at times, a harrowing task. Originally The Hush Hush Series was meant to be a trilogy, and it shows. Finale feels like it was being bulked out and the plot could have been much more succinct. I’m not saying it is bad, it just fell disappointingly short of my expectations.

Nora has always been a credit to The Hush Hush Series, but for the majority of Finale she became very annoying. Could this be due to her drug addiction? Her newly found immortality and the responsibilities that go with it? Possibly. But whatever the reason, I found her immature and filled with jealousy, which wore thin very quickly. Nora did manage to redeem herself during the climatic chapters – thank goodness – but overall I was turned off by her character development. Scott, on the other hand, really grew on me. His boyish charms and carefree attitude was a much needed relief throughout Finale. Scott is the guy friend we all wish we had: fun, understanding, and loyal to the very end.

One thing that didn’t disappoint was Fitzpatrick’s uncanny ability to create twists that are difficult for a reader to predict. Usually, I can gauge some of them early on, however Fitzpatrick really outdid herself for the final instalment. Although, in parts, Finale became painfully slow, these twists alongside a well executed climax did recapture my interest.

It is always sad to leave behind a great series, but I must say to readers not to judge The Hush Hush Series by its Finale. It isn’t a bad book, it just falls short compared to its predecessors. The climax was brilliant and very emotional, but most importantly it really gave a sense of closure. I’m certainly not saying don’t read Finale, just prepare yourself beforehand.

Would I Recommend? Finale is a satisfying ending that allows a reader closure and makes them ready to leave these lovable characters behind. If you are currently enjoying The Hush Hush Series is is definitely a must read. And be prepared for an emotional ending.

Rating: 5.5/10

Words by Melissa Churchill


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