The Indiependent’s Best of Bowie


On January 10th 2016, the world mourned as The Goblin King, The Thin White Duke, Ziggy Stardust, David Bowie passed away after an 18 month battle with cancer. Although he has left us, he left behind decades of incredible music, iconic fashion and a belief that you didn’t have to fit in with the crowd. Here at The Indiependent, our writers chose their favourite David Bowie songs, from his most famous works to covers he did. RIP David Bowie and long live his music.

Magic Dance (From Labyrinth – 1986)

Every child who grew up from the 80’s to the late 90’s will have witnessed the dark magic behind Jim Henson’s fantasy film Labyrinth. David Bowie as a kidnapping King, wearing white tights and a back-combed mane that only a 18 year old in the 80’s would be proud of, what more would you want? ‘Magic Dance’ happens to be one of the best David Bowie songs. You remind me of the babe? What babe? The babe with the power? What power? You know the rest. Just shouting” You remind me of the babe” now is certain to get somebody carrying on the famous lyrics.

The song trumps any Disney fantasy song. Bowie’s voice during the chorus allowed it to be cool to sing a Children’s Fantasy film song out loud without a care in the world. His style and persona in the song – of being a cool King and casting a dancing spell on this young child – makes you forget that Jareth (David Bowie’s character) kidnapped a child in the first place. and just makes you want to get up, grab a younger sibling and throw them in the air just like The Goblin King himself would have done.  Thank You David for filling my childhood with amazing tunes and happy memories from your songs.

Words by Brigid Harrison-Draper




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