An Interview With Podcast Host And Producer: Daisy Grant 


Daisy Grant is a razor-sharp, fast-talking, admirably passionate young person. Our paths first crossed in the summer of 2017, whilst training with the National Youth Theatre. Years later, she’s now the producer of chart-topping podcast Should I Delete That and host of her own; Doing the MAFS. Her previous podcast, Project Harness, was featured in GQ and Apple’s new and noteworthy section. 

The 27 year old describes starting her own business, what it means to be an intersectional feminist and how people could be more socially aware. 

Angela Garwood interviews Daisy Grant in London’s BFI Southbank.

You moved to Australia at twelve, then after finishing Uni in Perth, decided to move back to the U.K, why Edinburgh? 

Because of the Fringe, I was too scared to move to London, it was too big. I worked in hospitality to save money, I supervised the cafe bar of Bedlam theatre. 

You performed comedy at the Perth Fringe, did you perform in Edinburgh? 

I put on a sketch comedy show at Bedlam theatre with my friend Izzy which was really well received. 

Would you perform comedy on your own?

I’m too scared to do it on my own, I’d love to, I don’t have the confidence, there’s always a heavy emphasis on collaboration. I’ve always wanted to do a bit of stand-up, maybe not as a career, I just loved being around funny people, the people around Bedlam, they had an improv comedy troupe that were amazing.

Are you still acting? 

I don’t like serious acting. I want to be funny, maybe because it’s less vulnerable. Because it’s better to be laughed at for being funny than laughed at for not being very good.

You were fiercely independent at such a young age, what do you think helped shape that self-belief? 

I think I was expected to be an adult quite soon, I just had to kind of find my own way, and it made me confident in my decisions. I think I was born quite bossy, and that’s hard to shake.

Tell me about the first podcast you hosted, Project Harness, how did it come about?

A friend of mine, Róisín, wanted to do a podcast with me and we were like “okay lets f****** do it”. We were both very driven, we started sending emails to everyone we wanted to interview and hired a studio in South Wimbledon. 

What were the challenges?

When we first started the podcast I used to be crying by the end of the week because it’d take me a week to edit an episode, I didn’t know how to do it, there was so much learning. I was working full-time in a restaurant, it was exhausting.

You interviewed leaders on digital ethics, online activism and social media, what was the initial concept behind Project Harness? 

It was about harnessing social media and its power in a way that is healthy and helpful, so that’s where that word came from. We looked at the value of social media as a tool for education. 

What was it like interviewing feminist writer Clementine Ford and Meryl Streep’s date to the 2018 Golden Globes, Ai-jen Poo? 

They were really exciting for us, Clementine’s obviously huge in Australia and such a “controversial figure”. Its bullshit, she’s just a great feminist. We had her and that was amazing. Ai-jen Poo was so difficult to get, she’s president of the National Domestic Workers Alliance, she’s a powerhouse.

You quit your job in hospitality during the pandemic, what led you to producing podcasts?

My partner Daisy and I moved to a relative’s cabin during Covid, we had no jobs, it was a very simple existence. That was the first time in my adult life I was eating three meals a day. Then I was like “I’m going to start a podcasting business because that’s the only thing I know..”. I put a post on Instagram, and two of our podcast guests ended up hiring me. I think I’m only really acknowledging now that starting my own business was a really hard thing to do.

How did you connect with Should I Delete That hosts Alex Light and Emily Clarkson?

Taylah Roberts, who was a guest on Project Harness, put me in touch with Alex, who was looking for a podcast producer. Suddenly I was doing this weekly podcast with no end! Twice a week, every week since December 2021. We’ve literally not taken a week off, well I have now.

You co-host Doing the MAFS with your partner Daisy Flynn, how did this begin? 

We got obsessed with Married at First Sight Australia during the pandemic and we were talking about the show in-depth anyway. We were like “let’s give it a go..”. It’s fun to dissect something so f****** ridiculous. We’ve had nearly 6000 listeners of all time. 

What do you like and dislike about your job? 

I like the flexibility of being freelance and the variety of guests I get to hear speak. I like that it’s creative and I’m learning all the time, it’s a cool job to have. The best part is going into the studio and meeting people, I’m such a social person, I love talking to people. I don’t like working by myself at home, I need to work towards maybe finding a shared office.

You describe yourself as an intersectional feminist, what is your personal definition of ‘intersectional feminism’? 

It means acknowledging my place in the world as a white woman and how not all women experience the world in the same way as me. People from marginalised groups are more likely to experience prejudice, misogyny, misogynoir. 

The aim is to work together to make the world fairer for everyone without assuming that my struggle is the same as someone else’s, as a black or asian woman, I can’t assume anything because I don’t have that lived experience. I think it’s just being aware of other people’s struggles and how you can help to lift them up.

You’re quite forthcoming with your politics and activism, how do you think people could become more socially aware? 

Reading, listening and following people of different experiences and perspectives to you. Having discussions and exploring things with groups of people who are like-minded, who you feel safe with and can trust.

There’s so much fear in conversations; fear of saying the wrong thing; fear of being cancelled. Learning has become stifled as a consequence.

What could people to do take action on the causes they feel strongly about? 

I think if you’re calling out when things are wrong, that’s a good place to start. If you’re there, present, supporting in numbers for protests and listening to what’s happening, it’s really confronting.

What are your favourite podcasts? 

I listen to mainly news, politics or comedy. I’ve just started Cuddle Club with Lou Sanders. I prefer a podcast that doesn’t take itself too seriously and is more natural than scripted. It annoys me that I like a lot of podcasts by white men, it’s not on brand with me! I love Adam Buxton and Off Menu with Ed Gamble and James Acaster. 

What would be your dream project? 

I’d like to do more comedy podcasts and have more comedians on. 

Do you have a dream job?

I’d love to host a radio show.

Is there anything you’d tell your 15 year old self? 

You’re a lesbian!

You’ve lived in Australia, Edinburgh, Norwich and currently London, are you settled here now? 

We’re actually moving to Brighton this year, I want to live by the sea and go for a swim every day. Perhaps I’ll open a podcast studio that’s queer-friendly and welcoming and has a nice community. 

Words by Angela Garwood

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