American Politics: Funniest Gaffes of Presidential Races Gone By


Joe Biden – ‘Stand Up!’, 2008



From the wannabe Vice President’s gaffes of Sarah Palin, to THE Vice President as we see good old Joe Biden embarrassingly ask Chuck Graham, who is confined to a wheelchair, to stand up. In the 2008 Presidential race, Democrat Biden, famous for being a pretty odd bloke, was addressing an audience in Missouri when he began speaking about Missourian state senator Chuck Graham, who was present in the audience. After his speech Biden asked Graham to stand and accept the applause of the feverish audience, swiftly realising what he had done.

In fairness to Biden, and indeed the crowd behind him, he saved the mistake by getting everyone up for the handicapped man in question. It certainly did nothing to effect the Presidential race, as the victory of 2008 was a historical one for the first African-American president and the oldest standing VP in American history, good for you Joe!



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