Album Review: Coming Home // Leon Bridges


Leon Bridges is an American gospel and soul singer from Fort Worth, Texas. With his debut single ‘Coming Home’ having mainstream success in both the UK and across the pond, Bridges’ debut album of the same name has gained great anticipation.

Coming Home has a real flavour and passion to it that a lot of other mainstream acts seem to lack. This album is brimming with such soul and vitality that it puts Bridges’ personality across by the first couple of tracks. The first being the title track, ‘Coming Home’. Leon’s debut single is a perfect start to this album, setting the tone with silky smooth vocals and an old school 6/8 time signature, this tune really sets a standard for the rest of the LP by portraying huge emotional value through soft and sincere melodies.

The album continues to ooze serenity and honesty with stand out tracks being ‘Better Man’, ‘Lisa Sawyer’, ‘Smooth Sailin” and ‘River’. With ten songs featured on the album, Bridges’ manages to illustrate a fresh, compelling storyline for each tune. From the title track describing the feelings of returning to a loved one after a long absence, to ‘Brown Skin Girl’, which seemingly tells the tale of love at first sight as he notices his mysterious counterpart from across a crowded room.

Bridges’ brings the tempo up with the song ‘Flowers’ which in-keeps with his old school style by basing this track off of a classic rock ‘n’ roll blues riff and gospel style backing vocals. Leon’s lyrical storytelling seemingly manages to strike a chord with the listener whether he is singing a slowed down, harmonically rich ballad, or an up tempo straight up blues rock tune. This is an attribute that sets Bridges apart from so many of his peers as this is a talent that many current artists don’t possess.

It’s simple really: if you’re a fan of music, you’ll almost definitely enjoy this album. Leon Bridges’ Coming Home pays a perfect homage to a style and culture that many hold so dear to their hearts, and for that, I would recommend everyone to go out of their way to listen to it. Seriously slick and perfectly passionate, ‘Coming Home’ looks to be right up there with 2015’s most outstanding releases.

Words by Alex Leadbitter


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