Album Attack: Prayers on Fire VS Are You Satisfied?


9. ‘Yard‘ vs ‘Live Like An Animal

‘Yard’ sounds rather formulaic, with Tracy Pew plugging at his bass in the same manner he’s done for the last 2 songs. The horn section and Howard’s guitar do add a bit of weight to the song, and this weight slips ahead of ‘Live Like an Animal’, which feels like mere filler in contrast to songs like ‘The Hunter’ and ‘Do Something’

Birthday Party 5-4 Slaves

10. ‘Dull Day‘ vs ‘Ninety Nine

‘Dull Day’ is another weaker track on Prayers on Fire. It’s sung by Rowland Howard and is, again, quite formulaic and forgettable. Slaves, meanwhile, vary the sound of ‘Ninety Nine’ with a synthesizer added into the mix, which makes the song sound fresher than the previous efforts and means they take this point easily

Birthday Party 5-5 Slaves



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