Album Attack: Prayers on Fire VS Are You Satisfied?


3. ‘Capers‘ vs ‘Sockets

‘Capers’ features a spindly guitar riff and deep vocals, but its odd charm can’t compare to the raw energy generated by Laurie Vincent’s guitar on ‘Sockets’. Whereas ‘Capers’ is a plodding track, ‘Sockets’ rushes along frantically, making it much more exciting to listen to

Birthday Party 1-2 Slaves

4. ‘Nick The Stripper‘ vs ‘Despair and Traffic

Written by singer Nick Cave about his own self-loathing, ‘Nick The Stripper’, with its lumbering bass and raucous brass easily overwhelms the Slaves formula of loud guitar and simple drums. However, ‘Nick the Stripper’ is one of the Birthday Party’s best songs, so it would beat almost all the songs onĀ Are You Satisfied? in my opinion

Birthday Party 2-2 Slaves



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