Adam Sandler Heads to Space with ‘Chernobyl’ Director

adam sandler netflix space

In space, no one may be able to hear you scream, but you can certainly see some high-quality content. Adam Sandler is the latest star to break orbit with a new Netflix space drama.

It’s finally happening. Sandler has been a pair of twins, a cowboy and an Oscar-snubbed actor, so the only next step for him to take his career to new heights is to quite literally take it to new heights. Sandler is set to star in his latest film collaboration with Netflix, an adaptation of the bookThe Spaceman of Bohemia. But rather than capitalising on Sandler’s usual goofy and comedic acting as seen in films like the recent Hubie Halloween, the film is set to be a drama with some serious talent at the helm.

Chernobyl director Johan Renck is set to direct the film, and if his work on the TV mini-series as well as episodes of Breaking Bad and The Walking Dead is any indication, whatever we get is sure to be something to keep an eye out for. Sure, the combination of Renck and Sandler is an unexpected one—that doesn’t mean it isn’t a welcomed one. Sandler has shown repeatedly, with films like Punch-Drunk Love and Uncut Gems, that he has the talent for serious roles. So why should this latest venture in outer space be any different?

The Spaceman of Bohemia is based on Jaroslav Kalfar’s 2017 novel. Sandler is assumed to play the role of main character Jakub Prochazka, a Czech astronaut sent on a dangerous mission who, according to Deadline, “soon finds his earthly life falling to pieces, and he turns to the only voice who can help him try to put it back together. It just so happens to belong to a creature from the beginning of time lurking in the shadows of his ship.” It sounds like a fantastic concept which has the opportunity for some great comedic moments in an addition to some serious emotional beats.

“Sandler in space” wasn’t a concept I thought I’d hear this week, but if this lives up to the potential it has, I wouldn’t be surprised if it became my new mantra.

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