A Love Letter To Live Music


Jaws // The Boileroom, Guildford, 2015 – Annabel Britton 

In a room seemingly designed to hold no more than twenty, we piled in through the doors, Doc Martens overwhelming the sticky-floored space, leaving us just inches away from the B-town boys.

As if entering a house party, strangers became best friends in an instant, if only for a blurry two hours. Between fan-favourites, we shared giddy glances of elation with little chance to cool down; the energy pounded through us as Jaws kicked into fifth gear with teasers from their second album. 

By the encore, we were a sea of sweaty, flannel-shirted, flailing limbs as each and every one of us belted out ‘Gold’ in unison. Reluctantly stumbling away to catch the last train home, our singing didn’t seem to have quite the same effect on our fellow late-night passengers. 

Like opening up a ‘Time’ capsule, Jaws’ music never fails to bring back a nostalgic rush of beer-soaked memories; paving the way for many more mosh pit-filled nights to come. 


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