Track Review: Television // Twin Diver


While 2020 marked a period of devastation for many in the creative industries, it was fertile ground for Meath duo Twin Diver. Ben Spelman and Jonathan Cooke Allen (formerly of The Girl Talk) found themselves stranded in London with nothing but time to hone their sound.

Their latest single ‘Television’—a gloomy, reverb-heavy number—fits perfectly in the arsenal of post-punk coming out of their native Ireland in recent years. Between jangly guitar and tight-lipped vocals, the duo reflects on the egocentric nature of society and everyone wanting their 15 minutes of fame: “And when I die / I hope they put me on television.” The brooding lyrics and moody atmosphere of the track make apt bedfellows.

“The track delves into how people want to feel special and the pursuit of that feeling,” the pair says. “I think everyone has a strange thought process around needing to feel important, almost a case of not caring what people think of you as long as it’s you they’re thinking of. As people in general, we have a very precarious sense of self.”

Fans of Joy Division, The Murder Capital and Just Mustard will eat this up.

Words by Kristen Sinclair

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