TV Review: Pretty Little Liars // Season 6 Premiere


After going crazy on who on earth is Charles, we finally get some answers – well, sort of. This was the darkest episode of Pretty Little Liars yet, not to mention tear-jerking. The twisted sequel of events did tell us one thing though, Charles is Alison’s brother. Possibly. Does that mean he’s Spencer’s too? We were promised the #summerofanswers but instead we now have a million and one other questions.

The once chick-flick turned thriller had as all on the edge of our sofas for the entire episode, after being stripped of everything (quite literally) the poor girls had to suffer weeks of torment from A. One thing’s for sure, Charles is a deranged psychopath and the writers have some serious imagination. A real-life dolls house is a thing of nightmares, I’ve watched horror movies that had me quivering far less than this did.

It would all make sense though Charles being Ali’s long lost brother if you’ve read the books. The episodes went off on a tangent a long time ago but they have stayed true in a few situations. In the book the fake Ali is in Radley and goes after the real Ali and the fake Ali takes the place of the real Ali. What I’m trying to say is Ali has a long lost twin so is it now Jason’s turn to have a missing one?

Back to the episode, we are all wondering what could possibly of happened in those quick three weeks they skipped. Besides the screaming and whispering, we aren’t told much else. I guess we can add that onto our long list of questions waiting to be answered. However, there was one more surprise remaining: Sarah Harvey and what would A want from her.

We can rejoice as Haleb, Spoby and Ezria all reunite at the end – almost a happy ending! But with the rumours of Alison acquiring a new boy toy this season, Emison holding hands was just another cruel way to tease us. We can only wish for the rumours to be wrong. Have to say though, it won’t be the worst thing that’s ever happened to the two of them, that’s for sure.

After all this we are left with a few dubious answers lurking somewhere in this episode but overall we are just have more unanswered questions to spark our intrigue further.

Words by Ella Thorns


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