Gaming News: Destiny 2.0 Update Available


Bungie have released the Destiny 2.0 update ahead of the release of The Taken King.

In a statement, the developers confirm that there will be no events daily or weekly running from September 8-14, as the game updates and players get ready for the release of the third expansion for the FPS title.

Before The Taken King comes to consoles on September 15, players will have the chance to preview new content, with multiplayer maps and two games modes from The Taken King being available to play over the update week. While the purchase of The Taken King isn’t a requirement, 2.0 is and players are being instructed to update before being allowed to continue their game.

Among the features in the update will be an increase on players level caps, changes to Bounties and what’s available in the Tower, an easier way of tracking quests and the ability to level up on XP alone. There will also be changes to the User Interface to allow for smoother navigation as well as the début of Nolan North as Ghost, replacing actor Peter Dinklage.

Destiny: The Taken King will be released on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 on September 15.

Words by Megan Roxburgh


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