Track Review: Going Under // RINSE


Stoke-On-Trent band RINSE announced themselves with the release a trio of demos that got a lot of people buzzing with anticipation over a potential EP release. Just recently RINSE satisfied the craving with the release of their 4 track self-titled EP and to celebrate this, we decided that a review was in order.

‘Going Under’ starts with a steady, heavy bass line. This tune quickly establishes a sinister feel with the introduction of a reverb-infused staccato lead guitar accompanied by a second guitar playing held, wavy chords that simmer out nicely over the introduction. Josh Hollingworth’s vocal performance is very good here, with his husky yet mellow voice suiting the calmer parts of the song and contrasting nicely with the heavier, instrumental side of the track. The lyrics are almost spiritual, like when Hollingworth sings about how this girl seems to fade into the sun, and the group as a whole sound tight and mature.

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This track is built on light and shade. The decision to not include a chorus allows the denser parts of the song to be enhanced which lends a hand to the story telling as RINSE flip-flops from metaphysical to distortion multiple times – which suggests a battle between two sides, a divine side and a more troublesome one.

RINSE sound very impressive with not only this track, but their whole EP. Do yourself a favour and check them out now because the are definitely one to watch.

Words by Alex Leadbitter




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