Movie Monday: Confessions of a Shopaholic


Synopsis: Much like us contributors, Rebecca Bloomwood is an avid journalist but is yet to have found her big break within the industry so is forced to grudgingly write articles for a gardening magazine. She dreams of washing away her green fingers and writing for fashion magazine ‘Alette’ however after being made redundant, settles for a position with financial magazine Successful Savings under the name of ‘The Girl in The Green Scarf’ with the aim to work her way up to ‘Alette’.  There is one major factor which prevents her from progressing in both her career, friendships and love. Rebecca is a shopaholic. The lure of the pleasure, joy and elation we all get from shopping causes her to find herself in some very uncomfortable situations. As an audience, the sympathy we feel  for her is overshadowed by the hilarity of the situation. Personally, I believe that the film is a mantra to anyone who’s ever had trouble with overspending, relationships and fashion.

Watch it if you liked: Bridget Jones’ Diary, How to Loose Friends and Alienate People

Rating: 8/10 I am Rebecca Bloomwood.

Words by William Castile


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