Book By My Bedside: Blood, Sweat & Tea // Brian Kellett


Title: Blood, Sweat & Tea

Author: Brian Kellett

What I think so far: While not a traditional book in terms of structure, this collection of blog posts and correspondence by Kellett (using the pseudonym of Tom Reynolds) during his time as a London Ambulance Technician is a mix of anecdotes, honest observations and critiques of issues he faces both inside the system and the people he deals with. From the opening tale of the tragic death of a young footballer to the wonder of new work boots, Kellett takes us along for the ride through three years of his life and invites us to share in everything – in a way that feels more prevalent than TV shows trying to achieve the same goal.

Would I recommend? Absolutely. This book has become one of my absolute favourites. Those in the medical profession can probably relate to a lot of what’s talked about. Those not in the profession will find this insightful and interesting.

Rating: 9/10

Words by Megan


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