Single Review: American Beauty/American Psycho // Fall Out Boy


Following the successful release of two new songs earlier this year, and mysterious tweets from bassist Pete Wentz (“took a left when we were expected to take a right”), there were high expectations for the radio premiere of ‘American Beauty/American Psycho’, the title track of Fall Out Boy’s 6th studio album. The band certainly delivered on those expectations – within a few seconds, the track had everyone I know bouncing around their bedrooms and tweeting in capslock.

Patrick Stump’s bold vocals, added to the punchy chords in the chorus, give the song an energy that means it’s going to sound incredible live. Whilst the sound certainly marks a departure from anything Fall Out Boy have done before, it’s balanced nicely by recognisably Wentzian lyrics – “I wish I dreamt in the shape of your mouth / But it’s your thread count I really care about”.


Now more than ever, it’s clear that the band are moving away from their renowned punk rock sound into more experimental territory – for example, Andy Hurley’s cymbal-heavy drum-line, reminiscent of Stump’s solo album ‘Soul Punk’, creates a wall of sound far removed from their previous hits.

However, bands are inevitably going to change over time, and while nostalgia over earlier albums may be fun, in the meanwhile ‘American Beauty/American Psycho’ represents a promising future for the new album and for Fall Out Boy.

‘American Beauty/American Psycho’ will be available on iTunes from December 8th, and the album of the same name will be released late January.

Words by Priya Bryant


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