Film Review: Get Out


After the long-term success as part of the comedy duo Key & Peele, Jordan Peele decided it was high time he got one of passion projects made, a social satire horror, Get Out. An African-American: Chris (Daniel Kayluuya) is invited to his caucasian girlfriend’s (Alison Bowman) parents home in the country. When mysterious events start to take place, Chris must escape.

Get Out first premiered at Sundance to an incredible reception that claimed it was a must watch, not so long after press screenings, Get Out sat on a 100% Rotten Tomatoes rating and is still sitting pretty with 99% as of this review. Course this garnered a lot of attention with word of mouth. Like a film should do, it’s got people talking. It’s got people getting out of the house and into the cinema.


Don’t go in thinking this is a perfect film because it isn’t, few films are. However like any critic, if Rotten Tomatoes asked me for a fresh or rotten rating, this film is no doubt something fresh. Something new and original, something we sorely needed in cinema. What Jordan Peele creates is a relatable world for any black person, it shows us how ridiculous white people can sometimes sound when they mean well, we know you’re not trying to racist but sometimes you do it accidently. However this social commentary isn’t the actual story, the story is definitely based in the realm of a thriller/horror and is intelligently written not only so we align with Chris our main character, but so nothing is too outlandish or ridiculous. It’s an excellent screenplay which combines humour, awkwardness and fear so well. I know we probably won’t see Get Out in the original screenplay category at this year’s Oscars, nevertheless, it should be there.


Serious credit has to be given to producer Jason Blum, who believed in Peele’s weird and wonderful vision for this film. Blum recently produced M. Night Shylaman’s Split which garnered major box office success and positive critical response. As aforementioned, Peele’s direction is guided perfectly, it’s never too ridiculous or too strange. While the first act had me reconsidering everyone’s views on the film, once Chris arrives in the countryside. It’s all uphill from a filmmaking standpoint. Intelligent use of sound and cinematography makes this film that much more engaging and Peele manifests an immersive experience for the viewer. Like David Fincher, Peele only ever displays information we need and focuses on them, it’s nothing too flashy or over the top but it’s exactly how the story should be told.


What makes this film so original and new isn’t just it’s social satire, but audience involvement. Few films these days really have the audience rooting for the main character, to the point where audiences are literally clapping and cheering during the final act of the film because they’re a part of the experience. Daniel Kaluuya’s performance as Chris is brilliant, his work compiled with the writing creates not quite a lovable character, rather a character that’s likeable, someone who seems genuinely soft spoken and good hearted. He just wanted to have a nice time with his girlfriend without it being weird.

Words by Levi Eddie Aluede


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