Track Review: No Fun // The Magic Gang


Brighton-based The Magic Gang barged onto the scene this week with the release of their first single, ‘No Fun.’ Given how little exposure the band had hitherto seen in mainstream media, it may well have been a bit of a shock to them to receive such profuse positive feedback, culminating in airtime on Huw Stephens’ BBC Radio 1 show.

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Although these guys are relative newcomers, ‘No Fun’ could well be mistaken as the product of a well-established, industry-savvy band, with a crack team of producers – which is ironic given the modest means that have seen this track come to fruition.

The single, just like the songs that came before it, can be best described as all-inclusive. Not typically a term used to characterise new music but I feel that here, it really fits. You get everything; heavy guitar. Check. Conspicuous bass. Check. Forceful Drums. Check. Unrivalled Passion. Double Check. Just when you think you know the song, the tempo changes, the emphasis shifts, but we remain intrigued.

The easiest way to illustrate the sound of a new band is by comparing it to that of another – listening to ‘No Fun’ has left me struggling to find a comparison. The sheer uniqueness only adds to its credibility as a sterling new song, the combination of music and vocals is innovative to the point that it makes for a near-unprecedented sound.

If ‘No Fun’ is the first of many for The Magic Gang, then surely, the only way is up.

Words by George Birch – @___georgebirch


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