Track Review: Wastelands // The Ghost Riders In The Sky


In the past few months, The Ghost Riders In The Sky have set the boundaries high, with their first single ‘Wastelands’ having been released on June 15th, and the anticipation of their debut album in October. Though the band features ex-Gallows guitarist Stephen Carter, ‘Wastelands’ has clearly adopted enough hard work for it to stand on its own as more than a decent piece of music, derived from a pleasant mixture of classic British indie and good old-fashioned American rock & roll.

‘Wastelands’ is just another example of why it’s so important to check out new music and give new projects a chance. With vocals so raw that they enhance the emotion behind the song – which is even more noticeable when combined with the video – and an acoustically layered vibe, the track feels like something we all could enjoy.

Words by Zara Rowden – @zaraannecharlie


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