Film News: Dakota Fanning to appear in Bell Jar film adaptation


Yet another book-to-film adaptation has been announced within the world of Hollywood, this time of Sylvia Plath’s profilic sole novel, The Bell Jar. 

Released in 1963, it is a semi-autobiographical novel revolving around young Esther Greenwood and her troubles with life and mental illness. It was first adapted for the silver screen in 1979, and this time around, it will be directed by Kirsten Dunst. This will be Dunst’s directorial debut, having previously directed two short films, Welcome (2007) and Bastard (2010). The script for the adaptation was co-written by Dunst and Nellie Kim, with Dakota Fanning cast as Esther.

While some had tipped Julia Stiles to star in the leading role, there is no doubt that with Dunst’s and Fanning’s previous experiences in films filled with drama and teen angst will no doubt combine to do this film justice. Shooting is set to begin in early 2017.

Words by Kirstie Sutherland


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