Track Review: Warrior Daughter // Wildwood Kin


After playing a string of impressive shows across the UK including a stint at Glastonbury this summer, Exeter indie-folk trio Wildwood Kin have just released a new track ahead of their forthcoming EP, and it’s something truly soul-stirring.

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Aptly introduced as “a call-to-action for female empowerment”, ‘Warrior Daughter’ tells of a passionate mother sending her daughter into battle as a headstrong leader and foreboding force. The harmonies are simply otherworldly, while the galloping instrumentals elicit enchanting Americana to the driving rhythms of strings and percussion.

You can find more music from Wildwood Kin (including their acclaimed debut EP Salt of the Earth) on their Soundcloud, or catch them at their upcoming UK shows with The Oh Hellos next month.

Words by Samantha King


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