Album Review: Man, It Feels Like Space Again // Pond


Pond are a psychedelic rock band from Perth, Western Australia. Although they only formed in 2008, Pond have had multiple changes in their line up as they originally wanted the band to be a collaborative project, featuring different musicians on every track. But, this idea evidently didn’t pan out, so, Pond now have a dedicated line-up of Nick Allbrook, Jay Watson, Joe Ryan and Jamie Terry. These names might sound familiar as Allbrook and Watson are both members of psychedelic masters Tame Impala. In Pond’s previous releases such as The Psychedelic Mango, Beard, Wives, Denim and Hobo Rocket – Modular the psychedelia is out on full force, this mixed with rock ‘n’ roll style grinding guitar riffs give the albums an edge over other bands within this genre.

Man, It Feels Like Space Again sees Pond bring more of a pop element to their songs. The record opens with ‘Waiting Around For Grace’. This track proves to be an excellent introduction to the album, with a slow introduction that builds to an explosion of trippy energy. The drums really drive this track and it seems this was a sign of things to come with the drums being prominent in a multitude of tracks on this album such as the upbeat ‘Zond’ and ‘Outside Is The Right Side’, and they also prove effective in the slower tracks for instance ‘Holding Out For You’ and the title track. The title track of Man, It Feels Like Space Again  is an 8 minute multicoloured burst of psychedelia.


Around the mid way point sees Pond slow down the pace and turn up the bass with the enigmatic ‘Sitting Up On Our Crane’. accompanied by an mind-bending video, this track delights our ears with an idyllic combination of simplistic melodies and intriguing rhythms. This song also skips the subtleties that the others on this album supply the listener with by the message being evident from the opening couple of lines… “Sitting up on our crane/ it only feels the same/ when we’re up high”. Actually, many of the best moments off of this album happens when Pond ease the speed and intensity.

‘Medicine Hat’ is a prime example of this. The only acoustic song on the album really shows off Pond’s reinvention to appeal to more of a mass market. This track is feels the most pop influenced out of all the songs on the record as it’s the most simplified and clean sounding. The minimal amount of effects acts as a real contrast and reprise from the rest of the album. The decrease in effects both vocally and instrumentally means that ‘Medicine Hat’ appears raw and more heartfelt, this is also represented in the lyrics “And I’m just talking just before the dawn / So goodbye, my friend, it’s time to move on”. Allbrook’s voice is at its best in this track, definitely a stand out.

With a couple of the aforementioned songs being exceptions, Man, It Feels Like Space Again  is a massive cluster bomb of energy, psychedelia, colours and excitement. Inventive and unconventional, this album is a must listen if you have half an interest in Tame Impala, or any other similarly orientated bands.

Simply stunning in it’s imagery and imagination, Pond have produced my favourite album of 2015 so far (Sorry Noel).

Words by Alex L


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