Gaming News: E3 2016 – Bethesda Conference


Bethesda have held their E3 conference at the start of the event.

Bethesda Games held their E3 presentation to assembled fans and press in Los Angeles. This presentation marks the second time the company have hosted a presentation, and also the second time they have officially opened proceeding at E3.

Quake Champions

After an opening clip featuring a classic command screen, the first announcement was for the return of Quake. In Quake Champions, players can choose their character and take part in arena based combat matches to test their skills. The first trailer for the game showcased the combat and arena with a four player match.

When unveiling the game, iD Software Studio Director Tim Willits, stated that Quake Champions is “A competitive arena-style first-person shooter for the PC designed for players of all skill levels. Whether you are new to Quake or have been fragging for the last 20 years, Quake Champions will give you the challenge and rush you’d expect from iD Software multi-player games.”

Willits would also go on to confirm that more information on the game would be unveiled at Quakecon in August.

Watch the first trailer for Quake Champions below.



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