Track Review: Be A Woman // Lacura


‘Be a Woman’ is the latest single from up and coming vague-pop four piece Lacura.

The track opens with a guitar led instrumental followed by a first verse of soft vocals. With the build up to a powerful, shoegaze-like chorus, the heavy use of effects pedals and strong vocals is what makes the track so memorable.

The lyrics play a lot on perspective, talking of being a woman, but coming from male vocals the subject could be heard as controversial with a great meaning: “The day that you say I’m gonna have to change / I won’t be done / I’m not done / I am a woman”.

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They’ve just played alongside the likes of Swim Deep and Los Campesinos at Handmade festival in their hometown of Leicester, the Midland-based band are all set for the crowds. Having recently been played on the local BBC Introducing show, the band released a new single every Wednesday until their headline gig at The Cookie on Friday 6th May; with exciting things to come, Lacura have proved they are hardworking and are certainly ones to watch.


Words by Gemma Hickey


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