In Memory of Viola Beach


The news on Sunday morning that Warrington band Viola Beach had been killed in a tragic car accident came as a shock to the entire music community. It is so deeply upsetting to witness a band with so much before them, and a committed and talented manager, be taken from the world.

One of our contributors, Lucy Temple, has written about what Viola Beach meant to her, and you can take a look at the photos taken by our photographer Patrick Gunning at the band’s last show in London. All of us at The Indiependent would like to express our condolences to the families of Viola Beach and Craig Tarry.


Viola Beach-21There were several things I was planning to do today that were not writing about the passing of one of my favourite up and coming, young bands of this year. What can I say about Viola Beach? I had the pleasure of seeing them play twice in London, and both times they were electric with passion and absolutely smashed it.  Their sound had that vibe that made you instantly want to get behind it and hear more. ‘Swings & Waterslides’ is bursting with the young, hopeful escapism that seemed to express itself so prominently in the boys, presenting the industry with a new sound that was special and fresh. After briefly meeting their singer Kris Leonard and Drummer Jack Dakin before their gig for The Feeling; Big in 2016, I can comfortably say that they were some of the most decent, grounded guys I have met on the interview circuit. It is a massive loss of talent for the music industry, and I am sure there are a fair few people out there who know more than I do who will agree with me.
Rest in peace Kris Leonard, River Reeves, Tomas Lowe and Jack Dakin. You will be so, so missed. My thoughts are with anyone who’s lives you touched, your friends, and your families, because you are not people who will ever be forgotten.

Words by Lucy Temple


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