Single Review: Who Do You // Little Brother Eli


After releasing their debut EP back in 2013, Oxford band Little Brother Eli are back with their newest single, ‘Who Do You’.

Flooded with Jack White-inspired guitar solos, and with a sprinkling of the Black Keys blues that we all love, ‘Who Do You’ comes at a time when summer sounds are among us. In the indie music charts, most of the songs are upbeat and overtly happy, making us think that this summer will be brilliant – but what makes ‘Who Do You’ great is that it reflects the sound of summer without sounding summery. Upbeat and fast (reminiscent of Spector’s ‘Chevy Thunder’), this single is one that is going to be a hit for those interested in more heavy rock and not the typical indie pop. The guitar solo in the middle of the song makes this an even better track, one that will get you head banging in your car.

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However, this song isn’t all about the sound – the lyrics (although sounding like the ones your primary school teacher made up to stop people from bullying) show the meaning behind the song: “who do you who do you who do you think you’re picking on” vocalist Alex Grew sings. Are there some band arguments we don’t know about? Is this song a comment on how bullying is still present in our society? Is the song acting as a way of telling those being bullied to “stick it to the man” as Jack Black would say? I will leave that thought with you. Overall, though, a successful, upbeat single from the Oxford five-piece.

Words by Brigid


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