5 New Tracks You HAVE To Hear This Week #5


We’ve all been there – everyone’s experienced the trials and tribulations of finding something new to get your teeth – or rather, ears – stuck into. Maybe your favourite album of the year has just dropped and you’ve played it to death and want something fresh. Maybe you’ve been that busy with Uni, college, work or school that you’ve lost touch with what’s ‘in’. Well fear not, I’ve got you covered, here’s a selection of tracks you need in your musical life!

In Foreign // Esper Scout 

Esper Scout are an experimental alt-rock quartet hailing from Leeds. Fresh off a tour with The Cribs, their exhilarating and infectious riff sequences are spreading far and wide. Dense bass textures and clever lyrical balance stand-out amongst their expressive brand of charismatic alt-rock goodness, best showcased in latest release ‘In Foreign’.

This is a slow-burner, relying on vibey bass and quick-fire vocal delivery, throughout an ever intensifying guitar-based rhythm as they charm your ears with vibrant hooks, twists and turns. There’s a big future for such an in-depth and versatile style like this and it’ll be interesting to hear more from these four girls as we head into the new year.

Esper Scout are currently out touring the UK, you can find their latest dates by clicking here.

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