Interview: Ruby Fields


Australian artist Ruby Fields has been making waves for quite some time, already reaching platinum selling heights since her 2017 debut single ‘I Want’. With a penchant for bracingly honest songwriting and killer outros, Fields has become one of Australia’s best-loved breakthrough acts. 

With the release of her first full length album, Been Doin’ It For A Bit, Fields took some time to run us through her musicality, goals and advice for those wishing to follow in her footsteps…

The Indiependent: For someone who hasn’t heard your sound yet, how would you describe it to them?

Ruby: I think our sound is pretty inclusive. If you want relatable lyrics and some guitars and some kids next door, ya got it.

The Indiependent: If you were putting on a festival, who would you have as the headliners?

Ruby: Headliners, King Stingray for sure. ‘Nuff said.

The Indiependent: Can you tell us about the moment you decided to pursue music as a career?

Ruby: I think I was always into music and art and the industry. I think first off I wanted to be a CEO of a creative magazine. One day I was writing music and I heard Courtney Barnett and it inspired me to make and perform music.

The Indiependent: What advice would you give someone who is just at the start of their foray into the world of music?

Ruby: Always have your backups but so much more importantly, remember why you’re doing it. If it’s not lifting off at first, don’t quit immediately. If you love the people you’re making music with and love the music itself, always remember that’s why you’re doing this, either as a full time venture or as a hobby.

The Indiependent: What would you say the differences are between listening to music and writing your own?

Ruby: I personally am not super influenced by the music I listen to, I just write about things I’m going through or feeling at the time.. However, I fucking love listening to music that makes me feel down, if I’m honest. I feel the most from something that gives me a bit of a ‘woah…that lyric took me somewhere’.

Your first full length album Been Doin’ It For A Bit is out soon, why did you decide to release ‘Song About A Boy’ as a single? 

Ruby: I didn’t want to, but really loved the song. It was about something personal, and sometimes I feel hesitant to release stuff like that, but I’m proud of it.. and hoped other people might’ve related to it.

The Indiependent: What would you say the key themes are on the album?

Ruby: Growing up, and everything that comes with it.

The Indiependent: Is there a particular track from Been Doin’ It For A Bit that you’re particularly proud of, and why?

Ruby: ‘Bruises’ for sure. As much as I’m an open book and love to talk to people, there’s a lot of things that have gone on in my life that I’m not ready to talk about, whether it’s to my family, or friends, or listeners of my music. ‘Bruises’ is my first time delving into that side of things and I am incredibly proud of my lyricism and what those lyrics actually mean.

The Indiependent: Your songwriting style is incredibly blunt and honest, Been Doin’ It For A Bit explores the nitty gritty of growing up. What is it like revealing intimacies about yourself to the world?

Ruby: If it makes anyone feel less alone I feel like it’s entirely worth it, even if it’s hard sometimes.

The Indiependent: Is there anything in particular you want your audience to gain from listening to your music?

Ruby: I definitely want anyone that listens to my music, and especially those who want to pursue music, to feel a relatability on the level where they could pursue it too.And, if it’s not something they’re into, just something they can enjoy and chuck on with their mates and feel nostalgic about.

The Indiependent: What has been the proudest moment of your career so far?

Ruby: Probably Splendour In The Fields Festival in 2019. We put on a show before sunset and we cried, laughed, made mistakes and it was like everyone in the crowd was up there with us on the stage. We got to play a song, ‘Conny’, that we wrote about our friend that passed away which is a big reason we became a band.

The Indiependent: Who is part of your band?

Ruby: I have three bandmates that I grew up with. Adam on guitar, pat on drums and Tas on bass. [They are] best friends and family.

The Indiependent: Looking forwards, what are your goals?

Ruby: My goals are to constantly release music that reflects what I’m doing at that time and never feel the pressure to do anything else.

You can keep up to date with Amy Fields via social media. 

Interview conducted by Ella McLaren

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