Track Review: Redo // Franki


Dubliner Franki makes self-proclaimed chillwave pop that has already snuck its way into coveted rotation on Spotify’s New Music Friday playlist. His latest single ‘Redo’, a sun-drenched number best heard from a festival tent with a sweet cider in hand, will have you humming along for days.

The sleek production marries the vibe of The 1975 with the energy of Daft Punk’s ‘Digital Love’, all whilst delivering a deliciously catchy hook. “Let’s agree to / take a redo,” Franki sings over grooving guitar lines. Despite its danceable feel, the message of the track tackles personal accountability in relationships.

“‘Redo’ came at a time when I was second-guessing myself a lot and questioning all of my decisions, wanting to go back and do them again,” the artists explains. “Especially when it came to relationships. I think people generally have an issue with absolving themselves of responsibility and I wanted to honestly reflect my own arrogance. I think doing that and being this honest with myself in my songwriting has been extremely valuable to me since then and that honesty in my songs is something I hold quite close.”

Words by Kristen Sinclair

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