5 Great Songs You’ve (Probably) Never Heard


Waiting For You // Gross Magic

What happened to Gross Magic? No one quite knows. Their Twitter profile is now locked and their Facebook page hasn’t been updated since early 2013. But, according to the comments section below their video for later single ‘Sweetest Touch’, he has now retreated to working at Morrisons. What a bummer. Nevertheless, the band released a single EP entitled Teen Jamz and a few odd singles here and there, with ‘Waiting For You’ being one of them.

The track combines frontman Sam McGarrigle’s illusory and girlish vocals with lo-fi grunge pop synths that will appeal to the senses of any Nirvana and T Rex fans. Lyrically the song holds a surprisingly lustful tone – “but it’s just all the time / waiting around my love / waiting around my love / waiting for you”. A great song that will, inevitably, now get lost in the YouTube archives as a result of Gross Magic becoming somewhat defunct.




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