5 New Tracks You HAVE To Hear This Week #5


NAZ // The Wharves

Invoking the mid-fi minimalism of 60s girl groups with a thrilling modern spin, London-based, multi-national psych/folk-rock band The Wharves have unveiled a new release ‘Naz’ – offering an early taster of the direction they’re taking for new record Electa, which is set for release next year. Think hauntingly dark bass meeting nerve-wrenching, jangly folk in a dimly lit hallway amidst startling dual harmonies and pin-point percussion.

Beginning as a chiller sway-fest and gradually building with every guitar lift and chorus kick, if this is a a true indication of the girls’ direction on their follow to debut album Renew, we’re in for many more treats.

The Wharves new single Naz is available as 7″ via Upset The Rhythm by clicking here.

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