5 New Tracks You HAVE To Hear This Week #3



Seeds // Wolfie

Annie Mac championed 22 year-old Wolfie (aka Laura Wolfie) is going from strength to strength in 2015. The latest show of such strength comes in new hazy drop ‘Seeds’, which is an epic instalment of powerful groove vocals drifting over futuristic pop effects and explosive 90s R&B nostalgia.

Wolfie is an artist truly coming into her own and it shows in the increasing waves she’s making. Her latest is, simply put, a track that threatens to take her as high as a kite – which if her lyrics are anything to go by, I reckon she’ll enjoy.

Wolfie’s ‘Seeds’ is featured track on Annie Mac’s Free Music Monday and is available to download for free via her Soundcloud page.

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Words Jake Marley


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