5 New Tracks You HAVE To Hear This Week #3


One of Us // Dan Croll

Dan Croll’s return to the euphoric heights of indie-pop majesty shown in his stunning debut album, Sweet Disarray, couldn’t come soon enough. It feels like forever since I’ve had a slice of this particular indie-pop cake so it was a pleasant surprise to see him return from the ether last week.

The question is, is it a return to the Dan Croll of old? Well kinda, it’s still indie-pop, but rather a variant of. There’s a more thrashing sound reminiscent of Dan’s rather large musical influence playlist featuring Tame Impala and the like. It’s a real driving force – one that gets your coat stuck in the car door and drags you down the road by it’s side at a gritty rock pace filtered through the usual indie-pop bubbles.

Dan Croll’s  single ‘One of Us’ is out now and you can catch him live on his intimate November tour at the following dates: Manchester, Deaf Institute – Nov 9th; London, Hoxton Hall – Nov 11th; Liverpool, Buyers Club – Nov 12th.

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