20 Life Lessons As ‘Legally Blonde’ Turns 20

legally blonde 20th anniversary elle woods life lessons

Get ready to feel really old: Legally Blonde, the rom-com turned feminist cult classic, celebrates its 20th birthday this year. To celebrate, here’s a whistle-stop tour through some timeless life lessons, blessed to us by the one and only Elle Woods.

1. Believe in yourself 

Ever had a crazy dream that no one believed was possible? Well, Elle did. Then she went and achieved that dream. She worked hard, turned failures into learnings and never gave up. Remember: no one but you sets your limits. 

2. Being quirky isn’t bad 

Elle: “Here it is.” [hands over resume] 
Prof. Callahan: “It’s pink.”
Elle: “Oh, and it’s scented! I think it gives it a little something extra, don’t you think?”

When Elle applied to Callaghan’s competitive internship, her classmates sniggered. But, her colourful resume got her a place on the scheme. Her unique Harvard application made the admissions tutors sit up. Throughout the film, Elle shows that difference is your superpower. 

3. It feels good to prove people wrong

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When Elle walked into her first lecture with a fluffy pen and a notebook, everyone instantly wrote her off. Luckily, she knew better than to listen to naysayers and went onto graduate valedictorian of her class.

4. If a relationship isn’t working, it’s okay to walk away

Paulette: “I’m takin’ the dog… DUMBASS!”

From Paulette leaving her manipulative ex-husband to Elle finally realising how toxic Warner is, the women in Legally Blonde show the power in moving on from things that just aren’t making you happy. 

5. Love will always find a way

When Paulette “bends and snaps” full force into her crush, breaking his nose and bruising her pride, all seems lost. However, this encounter actually kickstarts the couple’s relationship—and shows that true love knows no bounds. 

6. Everyone should know the golden rules of hair care 

 “The rules of hair care are simple and finite. Any Cosmo girl would have known.”

Without her intimate knowledge of hair care, Elle never would have won her legal case. And, after Elle’s amazing victory, no girl will ever forget the cardinal rule of perm maintenance: you’re forbidden to wet your hair for at least 24 hour

7. Trust your gut

Unlike other members of Brooke’s defence team, Elle believed unequivocally in her innocence. By following her instincts, she gained Brooke’s trust and ultimately, set her free. 

8. Workplace harassment is never okay 

Emmett: Elle quit. Callahan hit on her so she quit.
Brooke: Oh my god. Scumbag.

Predating the #MeToo movement, Elle’s dilemma following Callaghan’s creepy come-on showed the challenges of speaking out, especially when the person is in a position of power. When Elle found the courage to return to the courtroom, it defined the closing act. 

9. Hard work *can* pay off

Despite Elle initially applying to Harvard for all the wrong reasons, her work ethic is pretty inspiring. Whatever anyone says, Elle still had to pass all the tests and she did it without the help of her parents (unlike waitlist Warner, who only made it thanks to his dad’s influence). 

10. Mean is never pretty 

“Excuse me, but why would you do that to another girl?”

When Vivian tricked Elle into coming to a regular house party in a bunny costume, every teenage girl watching sighed, because we’ve all been there. Yes, Elle owned the room and Vivian looked like a jerk. But more importantly, it showed that being mean never pays. 

11. Sororities aren’t all hazing and drinking

Before Delta Nu, movie sororities were all cruel pledge pranks and wild parties. The girls of Delta Nu—especially Margot and Serena —supported Elle’s dreams, despite them being drastically different from their own. 

12. Always pay attention to the powerful women in the room 

Prof Stromwall: “If you’re going to let one stupid prick ruin your life, then you’re not the girl I thought you were”

When Elle was ready to give up on Harvard, Professor Stromwall convinces her to stay. This impressive lady (who emanates the great RBG) initially intimidates Elle, but she goes on to become a great mentor to the young lawyer. 

13. Confidence and determination are key 

zeindaya - LEGALLY BLONDE (2001)

Elle’s story shows that most of the time having self-confidence and self-belief is half the battle in achieving things in life. Mixed with hard work, Elle found the perfect recipe for success. 

14. While the world sees our best life, it’s only a snapshot 

Brooke: “I know I’m a fraud! It’s not like normal women can have this ass!”

Legally Blonde came out before social media but even then, gossip mags convinced women to buy into the idea of the perfect ‘instagramable’ life. When Brooke reveals that her alibi is *gasp* going for liposuction, the illusion is shattered, showing that celeb and influencers’ lives often don’t reflect reality. 

15. Surround yourself with people who build you up

Elle wanted to go to law school to make Warner love her. By the end of the film, she realises that she is worth so much more than the approval of a boy. By finding people who support her dreams, she flourishes.

16. It’s important to know your worth 

“I’ll show you how valuable Elle Woods can be!”

Elle knew what made her special: her perspective on cases helped her to see the situation from a unique vantage point. Knowing her value meant she could prove she was an important asset and a great team player. 

17. Learning is cool and fun 

Seeing someone like Elle take learning seriously confronted years of ‘dumb blonde’ jokes and helped break the stupid stereotype that popular girls aren’t smart and that learning is a drag. 

18. If you make a mistake, there’s always time to put it right 

Vivian: I feel so terrible, I made a huge mistake.
Emmett: Well there’s something we can do about it.

Despite being Elle’s nemesis for the majority of the film, Vivian realises the error of her ways before the credits. By making amends, she becomes a great ally to Elle and shows everyone has the power to change.

19. Pink isn’t just for Wednesdays 

Despite what some mean girls would say, pink is a colour that works every day of the week. 

20. Sisterhood is a bond that can’t be broken 

“I promised her, and I can’t break the bonds of sisterhood.”

Legally Blonde is ultimately a film about female friendships. From Delta Nu to Neptune’s Beauty Nook, women are a positive presence. Knowing the power of sisterhood, Elle refuses to betray Brooke, even when it might cost her everything. Maybe the most important lesson of the film is that sisterhood will never go out of fashion.

Words by Elouise Hobbs

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