18 Films for Post-Exam Season


It’s June and if you’re older than 15 you’ve either finished exams or are just about to finish. Whether you’re in Year 11, Sixth Form or University you can all relate to the horrifying stress of exam season. But knowing what to do with yourself when your exams are finished can be tough – you’ve got your whole summer ahead of you, plenty of time to kill. Us ‘Indie’ kids have helpfully decided to provide you with a list of quality films that you can watch while you’re being lazy in bed, procrastinating about leaving your bedroom. These films include; Lord of the Rings, The Boat That Rocked, Scott Pilgrim, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off and more…

1. Pitch Perfect

If there’s one thing we need more of in Hollywood, it’s great films made by females, for females, that celebrate and put forward characters with a mixture of races, nationalities and sexuality without having to smash audiences in the head with how diverse or feminist it is. All these things combined with the fact Pitch Perfect is purely original is what makes me appreciate it so much. A film that was funny and entertaining, while still being well written and well made. It’s one of the few films in recent years that really did deserve a sequel, and now a trilogy as the 3rd film has already been announced for 2017. I won’t even explain the premise, if you don’t know what Pitch Perfect is about the trailer down below will surely tell you.

Even though Becca played by the always wonderful Anna Kendrick is just starting university in the film, it’s still great for post exam season as the emphasis most of the time isn’t on exams or school work. The film is easily enjoyable due to it’s natural chemistry between the entire cast and comedic genius from Rebel Wilson. Not to forget the music is great too, modern classics being re worked into acapella is wonderfully refreshing especially when mixed with the mash-ups created by Becca. Quite simply Pitch Perfect is just easy to enjoy, I would definitely recommend a Pitch Perfect aca-marathon on a night in with friends and snacks when you’re trying to relax after you’ve finished one of the most stressful few months of your life.

Words by Eddie Michael



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