10 Things About Sixth Form That You Weren’t Prepared For


As someone who is just about crawling out of the sorry looking, tired and unenthusiastic rear end of year 12, I feel it is time to look back on all the things none of us were prepared for. If you’re currently enjoying the illegally drunk, sleep-ridden, never-ending holiday that comes at the end of GCSE exams, I hope this prepares you for what’s to come. If you’re older and no stranger to what I’m about to describe, let’s reminisce about the ups and downs of what has arguably been the best and worst time of our lives so far, shall we?

10. When the teachers said the workload would increase in difficulty and amount, they were downplaying it:


It’s not a lie to say that GCSEs are bloody hard work and require far more effort than anyone is actually capable of having, but seriously – you’re not even ready. The general attitude at the beginning of the year tends to sway towards the opinion that three/four subjects is a blessing and everyone is elated that they got rid of those subjects they hated through secondary school, feeling as though they can finally specialise in the things they love with loads of extra free time. No. You’re all wrong. I never knew it was humanly possible to squeeze so much work out of subjects you could count on one hand, but ignorance was certainly bliss.

If you do really love your subject choices and can meet deadlines then you will assuredly survive. Take my advice and please, keep on top of it.


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