10 Must-Have Tracks for Your Summer Roadtrip


4. Soundcheck // Catfish and the Bottlemen

Maybe I’m crazy for suggesting this, but you should probably have all of Catfish and the Bottlemen’s discography on any playlist at any time. Their music appeals to all type of listeners because of the clean and crisp vocals, the deliberately rough execution of the instrumentals, and the hard-hitting lyrics. While I could have easily singled out multiple catb tracks to talk about, I chose ‘Soundcheck’ mainly because of how fast the tempo changes throughout the song. When on a road trip, you want the song that you are listening to flow, while simultaneously surprising you in every verse so you don’t get bored and drive off a cliff just for some fun. Soundcheck starts off slow, then gradually builds just to drop off again, and then speed up for the chorus. Through doing this, Catfish keep the listener’s interest peaked for all 4 glorious minutes.


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