10 Behind The Scenes Facts About ‘Succession’ Season Four


Episode 5 – ‘Kill List’

This episode truly belonged to Kieran Culkin. With the astounding confrontation with Matsson on top of the breathtaking Norwegian mountains, Culkin contends that Roman most closely resembles Logan and that this episode reinforces that connection. He argues that “Roman would want to keep it the way Dad had structured it” and  “would know how to run the company the way he saw Dad doing it.” Additionally, Culkin suggests that “Shiv’s politics are wildly different than Dad’s,” a perspective worth considering in light of the finale.

Former CEO of Twitter, Dick Costolo, confirmed that this episode provides an authentic glimpse into the business world. He asserts, “I think it’s increasingly true that executives of the biggest companies in the world have an incredible amount of influence over geopolitical affairs” – a chillingly accurate statement given the Roys’ direct impact on the presidential election just three episodes later. Costolo also commends Alexander Skarsgard’s portrayal of Matsson as a highly realistic depiction of a powerful figure in the tech industry. It’s unsettling to think about, considering Matsson’s fondness for blood bricks.


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