10 Artists To Watch In 2016


mura-masa1-610x407Mura Masa

For fans of: STWO, SOHN, James Bake, Cashmere Cat

Stepping into music through his dad’s record label, Alex Crossan, these days going under the moniker of Mura Masa (inspired by Japanese culture), is making waves as he makes his transition from a young trap producer to a matured, heart-broken instrumentalist. Not often will you see an artist fabricate their own genre: Mura Masa has a fondness for exotic, Asian sounds (pan flute, chimes), which he effortlessly meshes together a modern and glitchy production.

His recently released self-titled EP caught the attention of every blogger and their mother. Featuring his own vocals, as well as upcoming artists NAO and Shura (coincidentally also on this list), the prodigal 19-year-old submerged his existing fan base in a sea of confusion as he made a 180° turn, switching up his style and taking a giant leap out of the box.

Listen to the Mura Masa EP:

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/playlists/96981038″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”200″ iframe=”true” /]




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