10 Artists To Watch In 2016


Jack_Garratt_-_bannerJack Garratt

For fans of: James Blake, Chet Faker, Raury

Jack Garratt has been around since 2005, when he competed in the Junior Eurovision Song Contest. He was an easy choice for this list, he’s released an EP, performed at Reading, Leeds and Apple Music Festival and has recently won a Brit Award. While he’s been featured on a handful of up-and-coming artist lists in 2016, his debut album has long been awaited and in February 2016, he’ll finally deliver. The singer and multi-instrumentalist from Buckinghamshire first caught our attention with an impressive set performed for Burberry Acoustic in 2014. Currently the opening act on Mumford and Son’s UK tour, Garratt will be headlining an American tour in the New Year and it’s clear that he’s not just a studio musician but also an engaging performer.

His singles “Worry“ and “The Love You’re Given“ have both been critically acclaimed and have reached well over 1.5 million plays each on SoundCloud. They demonstrate the musician’s impressive vocal range and soulful quality and a talent with electronics, which we look forward to hearing more of on his upcoming album, “Phase“ .

Listen to ‘Worry’:

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/152572750″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”200″ iframe=”true” /]

Feature compiled by Joshua Gallacher and Tamyra Denoon



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